Similar words: consequence, in consequence, in consequence of, consequent, consequently, consequential, inconsequential, consequentially.

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1 As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse.
2 lack of elegance as a consequence of pomposity.
3 Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with this chemical.
4 As a consequence of expansionism by some European countries, many ancient cultures have suffered.
5 As a consequence, fertility has been highly volatile.
6 Emissions have drastically been cut as a consequence.
7 As a consequence, they were sent home.
8 As a consequence the markets were distracted from fundamentals and concentrated instead on special situations and gossip.
9 As a consequence the recent decline in public spending on services, such as education, has gone virtually unchecked.
10 As a consequence, the balance between employee and employer will probably shift towards the employee.
11 As a consequence some have suffered irreversible damage to their health.
12 As a consequence, this junction in the rocks represents a huge gap in the record.
13 As a consequence, up-to-date ratings of quality will be made, department by department, across the spectrum of higher education.
14 As a consequence they typically occur in very small groups and males therefore mate with fewer females each year.
15 As a consequence this response breaks with the traditional obsession of the mainstream of corporate law scholarship.
16 As a consequence, Volunteers were not informed of a number of significant factors.
17 As a consequence, those figures became inspirational to other slaves who attempted to emulate them: the Richmond-Molyneux effect.
18 As a consequence of their different interpretations, they had different criteria for judging attainment.
19 As a consequence the equilibrium level of aggregate demand will fall.
20 This effect can be understood intuitively as a consequence of the perspective viewing of a surface from two slightly different positions.
21 As a consequence of this fact it is possible to delineate the proper role of the congregation in the eucharistic prayer.
22 As a consequence the houseworker stands indicted as the worst enemy the environment has.
23 As a consequence of the suggestion Laureen Williamson was approached and readily agreed to undertake the daunting task.
24 As a consequence, few of those involved in the training program had had any previous experience in the country.
25 The warning failed to sink in, and he got into trouble as a consequence.
26 Scientists think it unlikely that any species will actually become extinct as a consequence of the oil spill.
27 It inquires whether the conception of community has undergone any change as a consequence of the crowd phenomenon.
28 Realism is now out of fashion,[] in large part as a consequence of those silly semantic claims.
29 The Lydende Party vehemently opposed the committee chairperson, partly as a consequence of longstanding family feuds.
30 Nor will courts building upon Roe be likely to hand down erroneous decisions as a consequence.
More similar words: consequence, in consequence, in consequence of, consequent, consequently, consequential, inconsequential, consequentially, sequence, subsequence, non sequitur, constituency, confluence, sequent, subsequent, conscience, sequential, subsequently, frequency, eloquence, influence, affluence, effluence, consent, constituent, conserve, boa constrictor, consent to, consensus, consecrate.